Watch the magic unfold as you heal and awaken your Sacred Feminine.

Reclaim your birthright and start living with joy, passion and purpose.

Does this sound like you?

  • I live in my headspace

  • I struggle to receive

  • I struggle to ask for help

  • I've lost my creative spark

  • I'm always trying to do more

  • I don't rest when I need to

  • I always put others first

  • I've lost my intuition

  • I don't feel sensual

  • I've disconnected from my emotions

What if things could be different?

What if your life simply flowed with ease and soul alignment?

What if you could feel absolutely grounded in your knowing, trusting yourself fully and creating a life of abundance and purpose?

How would it feel if life flowed with ease, instead of force and struggle, confusion and frustration?

What if you could reignite your creativity, joy, playfulness?

What if you could tap back into your creativity and do more of the things that light you up? What if life could become fun, playful, adventurous and carefree? How would it feel to embody and express the joy and playfulness of your inner child in every moment?

How would it feel to show up in all of your feminine glory??

What if you could feel safe and confident to be the sensual Woman that you truly are? Feeling safe and unafraid to take up space in this world, to love your body and show up unapologetically? How would it feel to embody this version of you?

If you’re feeling a 'Hell YES!' to all this, you’re not alone…

Feeling disconnected from your Sacred Feminine is a common thread among women. I know this because I work predominantly with Women to deeply heal and reawaken their Feminine Self.

And I have also experienced this on my own journey; trying to navigate life for over 40 years from this space of struggle and frustration.

But through my own healing journey of unraveling, surrendering, and learning, I also discovered the mysteries and medicine of the Sacred Feminine and learned how to tap back in to this energy and awaken my own divine Feminine Self.

And wow, did life shift for me!

And so, as I now journey my higher path of teaching and guiding others with this innate and ancestral wisdom, I am now offering to share it with you, because it's not something to keep to myself.

Healing and awakening your Sacred Feminine is simply your birthright as a woman, and I'm here to guide you through this.

Which is why I’m so excited to introduce:

Healing and Awakening your Sacred Feminine

This self-paced program will help you understand the magic and mysteries of the Sacred Feminine, and guide you to heal and awaken her from within. Through videos, intentional rituals, and a series of powerful guided visualisations encoded with quantum healing and activation, you will begin to unravel the mysteries of your Sacred Feminine, so you can heal, awaken and embody her, and flow through life as a full, unapologetic expression of your Feminine essence.

Here’s what you’ll receive when you lean into this offering;


My teachings of the Sacred Feminine

Video lessons sharing my wisdom and higher learnings about the Sacred Feminine and what you experience when you heal, awaken and embody her.

Value: $200


Tips, rituals, resources.

Practical and powerful tips and rituals that guide and support you to connect deeper to your Sacred Feminine, plus an extensive list of additional supportive resources.

Value: $150


Guided Visualisations

A powerful set of guided visualisations encoded with Quantum healing and activation to help you heal, awaken, and integrate your Sacred Feminine Self.

Value: $450

A total value of:

$800 AUD

$526 USD

€ 490 EURO

But I'm offering this for only;

$97 AUD

($64 USD / €59 EURO)

What other Women have experienced with Beck;

“Beck has such a gentle but powerful way of holding space for women. She is a master of bringing women together to heal and grow..”

— Bianca

“I have worked deeply with Beck to heal my feminine wounds, and she has helped shift so much and also guided me back to my own feminine Self, which is incredible in every way.”

— Maria

“Thank you Beck. I finally feel so free in my body and have a whole new awareness and respect for Me, for my whole Self. I feel like I'm just meeting myself for the first time, and I love her.”

— Annabelle

Meet your guide.

Rebecca is a trauma-informed Somatic Therapist, Brainspotting practitioner and Beyond Quantum Healing practitioner.

Her work supports and guides clients to heal deeply, clearing stress, blocks and trauma that they've otherwise been unable to shift with cognitive and alternate therapies.

She is also a Meditation teacher and certified Narcissistic Abuse Specialist and is passionate about helping women heal through and beyond their trauma, in her transformative and empowering programs.

Her unique and powerful approach enables clients to release emotional stress, shift limiting beliefs, heal inner child wounds, and process and heal trauma at a deep core level.

She weaves together diverse certifications in metaphysical, somatic and quantum modalities with her deeply intuitive wisdom, to bring a deep, nurturing and powerfully transformative healing approach for those who journey with her.

Rebecca focuses on working with the body, where trauma and emotions are stored, bringing clients back in to alignment with their True Selves.

Helpful Questions

How long do I have access to the program?

You have unlimited access to all the videos and audios. They are yours to keep.

What if I need support?

I am always here for you and with you, so if you have any questions or need some deeper support, you can always email me at

I haven't done visualisation or meditation before, is that a problem for me?

Absolutely not! I'm a meditation teacher, so I understand the fears and challenges people have with meditating and visualising. With this in mind, my guided practices are all easy to follow, gently guided, and effortless to experience.

Is there a timeframe that this program should be done in?

No, everyone's journey and life experiences are unique, so take your time and weave this program into your life as you feel you are able to. If you feel you are rushing and using force energy (that's the masculine energy right there!) then take a breath and circle back when you can honour yourself fully and devote sacred time to experience this journey.

Is there a group I can join to connect with other women?

Yes, I have a beautiful Facebook group, 'Soul Sanctuary' that you are welcome to join. It's a sacred space of women who are all navigating a journey of healing, awakening and spiritual growth.

Still unsure?

I get it. Sometimes fear and self doubt make it hard to listen to your inner guidance. Your People-pleaser makes sure all of your time is spent on everyone else.

Your clarity is clouded.

Indecision becomes your friend.

Your purpose is forgotten.

You should spend the money on your family.

You don't have time to dive in to something just for yourself.

You live by all of the stories that have been programmed in to you from generations of patriarchal dominance.

But just imagine....

Imagine if you could take back your power, rewrite your story and reclaim your birthright of feminine strength.

For all the women in your family.

Your Mother, your Grandmothers.

Your Sisters, your daughters and all the women who will walk this earth after you.

What if you are the one to heal and break those cycles.

It starts with an intention, it ignites with a spark of inner knowing and it flows with the divine and sacred energy that IS your Sacred Feminine.

What if you just said YES?

For You.

My promise to you;

I only ever teach, share and guide from my own lived experiences.

So when you journey with me, I am leading from my heart, authentically, sharing my gifts, my wisdom, my experiences and my higher learning; with love, for love.

You get all of me.

Because this is the Sacred Feminine;

  • showing up anchored in my truth

  • grounded, calm, with clarity

  • leading from my heart

  • seeing you, hearing you, holding you

  • with compassion, softness, love

  • showing up authentically

  • sharing, giving; creatively with joy

I've got you.

© Copyright 2024 Rebecca Ernest.