Past Life Quantum Journey


A collective quantum journey to heal, release, activate and awaken to your full soul potential.


Does this sound familiar?

  • I feel I have past-life trauma

  • I long for deep soul healing

  • I am ready to grow spiritually

  • I want to activate my gifts

  • I want to expand my intuition

  • I want to connect with my guides

  • I want to complete karmic lessons

  • I want to clear old programming

  • I am ready to expand my consciousness

  • I am eager to explore the quantum field

What if there was more to your life than you are aware of?

What if you could revisit a past life?

What if you could journey effortlessly to another timeline, another Dimension? What if you could explore the quantum field of experiences to assist you to learn, remember, heal and grow, breaking down the barriers of time and space?

What if you could connect with your Light Council Team?

What if you could tap back into your intuition, your deep inner knowing? What if you could connect with your Light Council Team, your Ancestors and Higher Self, to receive messages, guidance and quantum healing?

What if you could accelerate your healing and soul lessons?

What if you could journey to a past life that holds the key to whatever is holding you back in this life? Helping you to clear, shift, heal, expand, accelerate your growth and raise your consciousness?

If you are reading this with a smile, if it resonates deeply and you are ready to dive deep into the layers of your soul blueprint, THEN THIS IS FOR YOU!

I'm so excited that you are here, and it's not by coincidence (nothing ever is!).

You have been drawn to this page at this moment for a reason, and I know that you understand this!

We have entered a stage in human evolution where our collective consciousness is expanding at a rapid rate, with many stepping up and awakening to their soul purpose and potential.

The Lightworkers have arrived. (That's YOU!)


My purpose at this time, is to guide and support others to remember their soul mission, reawaken their potential, to heal and activate their soul blueprint in order to expand and transcend, and I am here in full service. With love, for love.

Which is why I’m so excited to now offer

Past Life Quantum Journey


  • Guided past life regressions

  • Quantum healing & activation

  • Online via Zoom

  • Held in a safe and sacred group

Here’s what you’ll experience when you join this event;

A guided journey

You will be guided gently, safely but powerfully on a quantum journey to explore timelines, and higher dimensions.


These events will be a gathering of kindred Souls, held online and enjoyed from the safety and comfort of your home.

Receive guidance and healing

You will have access to receive guidance and quantum healing from your Light Council Team, Higher Self and Ancestors.


You will learn how to integrate your journey and use the experience to shift timelines and anchor in your transformations.

Please note that these group events are a modified version of Beyond Quantum Healing sessions.

Due to the nature of guiding and holding space for a group, I am unable to focus on each individual journey and experience as I would usually do in a personal session. If you would like to experience a personal BQH session for a specific issue, we can journey even deeper together, and gain accelerated healing, growth, clarity and transformation for you.

How it will flow

You will be fully nurtured, safe and protected.

I cleanse, clear and call in our highest guides to protect and guide us in each journey.

When you journey as a group, you are tapping into the collective energy and experiences, so your journeys are interconnected and amplified.

We will set our clear intentions and anchor them in with a water alchemy ceremony before settling in for the quantum journey.

These journeys are deep.

They are powerful.

They are healing.

They are soul activating.

They are transformational.

Our next gathering:

Sept 2

10am AEST / 12pm NZST / 2am CEST / 1am BST

Sept 1

8pm EDT / 7pm CDT / 6pm MDT

Check your time zone here

I'm offering this for only;

$44 AUD

($29 USD)

What others have experienced with Beck;

My session with Rebecca was the most eye opening session of true and deep healing I've ever experienced. She walked me through each step with kindness and great care, to guide me without being intrusive. We finished with a very cathartic Q&A with my team of Guides and I have moved through some very intense and permanent healing and releasing since then.

— Tanya

The beauty in the understanding and clarity gained is beyond words. My life has exponentially changed for the better; Beck is naturally gifted in her work. I am forever grateful the universe set me on my path to connect with her as a healer, spiritual guide and kindred soul. So much love to you, Beck!

— Nicole

I had a BQH session with Rebecca and was blown away by the experience. The past life I journeyed to made so much sense and gave me the clarity that I needed in my life right now.

I loved meeting my light team and the messages I received were so comforting."

— Gwen

Meet your guide.

Rebecca is a trauma-informed Somatic Therapist, Brainspotting practitioner, and Beyond Quantum Healing practitioner.

Her work supports and guides clients to heal deeply, clearing stress, blocks and trauma that they've otherwise been unable to shift with cognitive and alternate therapies.

She is also a Meditation teacher and certified Narcissistic Abuse Specialist and is passionate about helping women heal through and beyond their trauma, in her transformative and empowering programs.

Her unique and powerful approach enables clients to release emotional stress, shift limiting beliefs, heal inner child wounds, and process and heal trauma at a deep core level.

She weaves together diverse certifications in metaphysical, somatic and quantum modalities with her deeply intuitive wisdom, to bring a deep, nurturing and powerfully transformative healing approach for those who journey with her.

Rebecca focuses on working with the body, where trauma and emotions are stored, bringing clients back in to alignment with their True Selves.

Helpful Questions

How long will the event be?

I will allow around 1 - 1.5 hrs.
It seems long, but each guided journey will be around 30-40mins and then we allow time for sharing.

Do I have to share?

Absolutely not. This is a safe space for you to enjoy a personal journey, but if you feel called to share or ask anything then there is also space for you to do this.

I haven't done visualisation or meditation before, is that a problem for me?

Definitely not! I'm a meditation teacher, so I understand the fears and challenges people have with meditating and visualising.

So although it's helpful to have some experience with meditation and visualisation, it's not completely necessary.

Do I need to prepare in any way?


There's nothing you need to do in order to prepare, but I invite you to bring a notepad, pen and a glass of water.

You also need a sacred space where you won't be disturbed or distracted, somewhere you can make yourself comfortable.

Is it always the same day and time?

No, I will be changing it up to suit different time zones and life commitments.

Will you be using hypnosis?

The process I use is a form of hypnosis, guiding you into a deep state of relaxation in order to bypass your conscious mind and access your subconscious and superconscious.

Will I be aware of what is happening?


You will be fully aware and conscious. This process is NOT like the hypnosis that is depicted in movies! It will feel like you are daydreaming, and you'll be in full control, remembering everything afterward.

Still unsure?

If you're ready, you will simply know.

You will feel deeply open and ready.

A pull to join, drawing you in to explore, heal and reawaken all that you have forgotten.

Perhaps a little fearful, but with a deep knowing that this is for you.

Do you feel it?

What if you just said YES?

For You.

My promise to you;

I only ever teach, share and guide from my own lived experiences.

So when you journey with me, I am leading from my heart, authentically, sharing my gifts, my wisdom, my experiences and my higher learning; with love, for love.

You get all of me.

Because this is my purpose, my mission;

  • showing up anchored in my truth

  • grounded, calm, with clarity

  • leading from my heart

  • seeing you, hearing you, holding you

  • with compassion, softness, love

  • showing up authentically

  • guiding you deeply

I've got you.

© Copyright 2024 Rebecca Ernest.